Sunday, January 8, 2012

One month already?!?!

It's almost impossible to think that a month ago we were checked into a hospital room, surrounded by our families, and eagerly awaiting Grace's arrival. She didn't even have a name yet! (as of 5:30pm, 12/8/11)

This month has been filled with so much joy, love, and learning. We enjoyed holidays with the Cairns and Turner families, visits from extended family and friends who are like family, and love and best wishes from family and friends from miles away.

Grace has seemingly grown before our eyes, and Mark and I marvel at how much she is learning and changing already. (We already miss her as a "newborn"!) She is tracking our voices, focusing on our faces, and making new noises and facial expressions. She is also sleeping more at night and alert more during the day, much to mama's delight!

Here are a few shots from our "photo shoot" this afternoon! Happy one-month birthday, little love!

Did you know?!?! I'm one-month today!

Silly Daddy with that big camera! 

I love looking at my pom-pom mobile...

so smiley!

snuggling with Snuffles

Hi, mama!

so big!

I love to stretch my legs...



  1. Alyssa, time for more pics! I'm sure she's driving by now :)

    Also, I tagged you in my 11 things post. Read it and add your answers! Enjoy!


  2. Ah! So adorable - I can't wait to see 2 Months pictures in a few days. I, like Julia, tagged you in MY 11 things post, and would love to read your answers!
